Set 375

Gallery Number & Name

Set # 375 - "Seeing Spots / Selection"

Images in this Gallery

Photo 1
3328 X 4992
2.87 MB
Photo 2
4992 X 3328
1.44 MB
Photo 3
4080 X 5440
983 KB
Photo 4
3328 X 4992
1.33 MB
Photo 5
4080 X 5440
1.13 MB
Photo 6
3328 X 4992
1.80 MB
Photo 7
4080 X 5440
988 KB
Photo 8
5440 X 4080
889 KB
Photo 9
4080 X 5440
1.01 MB
Photo 10
4080 X 5440
1,018 KB
Photo 11
3328 X 4992
2.59 MB
Photo 12
4080 X 5440
1.12 MB

Year / Photographer

June 13, 2006 / James Stafford


Watch4Beauty / James Stafford

Set features

white lingerie, white shoes


A wonderful set showing off all of Veronika's curves perfectly. This would be part of a 4 set photoshoot Veronika worked with James Green (aka Stafford) on in 2006. She had worked with him previously in a FHM/Maxim shoot in 2005, and would eventually work with him again one last time in 2008.