Set 378

Gallery Number & Name

Set # 378

Images in this Gallery

Photo 1
1090 X 1400
386 KB
Photo 2
1178 X 2863
263 KB
Photo 3
3628 X 6338
3.27 MB
Photo 4
3389 X 3047
1.99 MB
Photo 5
1112 X 1478
485 KB
Photo 6
957 X 1493
311 KB
Photo 7
529 X 1424
213 KB

Year / Photographer

2001 / Jeff Kaine


Sunday Sport

Set features

school girl, classroom, tie, pigtails, white socks, chalk board


This set was only ever published in UK issues of Daily Sport newspaper back in the 2001 time frame. Most of the photos come from this one page:

Photo 1 however appears to be a higher resolution scan from some magazine which to date has never been uncovered. If anyone happens to know the source or has any additional photos from this set, then please email us with the details.