Set 401

Gallery Number & Name

Set # 401 - "Tennis Anyone?"

Images in this Gallery

Photo 1
1280 X 1860
1.12 MB
Photo 2
3113 X 4810
3.66 MB
Photo 3
1974 X 3176
1.25 MB
Photo 4
834 X 833
219 KB
Photo 5
671 X 426
139 KB
Photo 6
540 X 677
72.3 KB

Year / Photographer

1996 / Unknown


Das Neue Wochenend (1997) No. 38 & Best of 98 - No. 1 (1998) / Praline No. 33 (1998) & No. 44 (2001)

Set features

boy/girl, b/g, tennis racket, plastic chair, red towel, ponytail, white/blue chequered shorts, white sneekers


The photographer for this set is still unknown. If anyone happens to know who took these photos then please email us with the details.