Set 442

Gallery Number & Name

Set # 442

Images in this Gallery

Photo 1
1854 X 2332
1.06 MB
Photo 2
1931 X 2513
1.59 MB
Photo 3
1312 X 2151
1.76 MB
Photo 4
264 X 400
29.1 KB
Photo 5
1046 X 1600
601 KB
Photo 6
1061 X 1600
613 KB
Photo 7
1052 X 1600
596 KB

Year / Photographer

1998 / Andy Pearlman


Andy Pearlman Calendars / Playboy (1998) December

Set features

pink bikini, swimming pool, pink air matress


Part of a 4 set photo shoot Veronika would do for Andy Pearlman as part of her first modelling visit to the USA. Very few photos from these photo shoots were ever released. I can only assume that Andy kept them all for himself. What a shame!!!