Set 476

Gallery Number & Name

Set # 476

Images in this Gallery

Photo 1
338 X 551
146 KB
Photo 2
368 X 665
179 KB
Photo 3
552 X 1199
354 KB
Photo 4
783 X 1280
531 KB
Photo 5
1043 X 841
558 KB
Photo 6
951 X 1280
655 KB
Photo 7
960 X 1280
599 KB
Photo 8
911 X 1266
577 KB
Photo 9
1136 X 849
623 KB

Year / Photographer

Jan. 2001 / Jana Krenová


Lollo (2003) No. 4

Set features

black and white lingerie, diamond bracelet


This photo shoot was the last time Veronika would pose for Jana Krenová, having produced 23 sets worth of some of the sexiest material in the years from 1997 to 1999.