roamer: Hi Veronika! Great my Java works today. I can SEE you!!!
zlate: happy 4th of July!
Veronika: cool
roamer: in all the glorious beauty
Lycaon: Hi Ronnie
Veronika: today we're chatting on the beach
zlate: nice beach scene - you should do a chat from a real beach sometime
roamer: wow! You are lucky
roamer: hope it is not forbidden for nudists
zlate: is that a star on your bikini!
Royley: Hi Veronika, looking as stunning as ever!
Veronika: there are no beaches in czech rep. like in usa
roamer: Hope nobody is going to pick you up by yacht already
Lycaon: but the usa doesn't have you
zlate: you should do a chat from a beach in usa then
Veronika: let's have a toast ... with my cool drink
Veronika: and of course there is no alkohol in it :-)))
Lycaon: am I the only regular here today?
zlate: i am sure we can find a beach you would like
bluehand: Hello Roni. Nice beach scene
Veronika: hello, thank you :-)
zlate: Here's a toast to the world's most beautiful and nice woman, Veronika! Cheers!
Veronika: guys, who would like to lick my
bluehand: that looks like a screwdriver(vodka and orange juice)
roamer: and...forgot something, zlate?
Veronika: sugar?
roamer: the most sexxy
zlate: Yes, I would like to lick your .... :)
bluehand: I would give you a sucker/lollipop but I don't want to seem too forward
roamer: hmmm, you are in for a tease
Veronika: do you trust me that there's no alkohol in my drink or not?
zlate: All of you must taste sweet like sugar!
bluehand: MMMMmmm
roamer: By the way Veronika, do you like an apple?
Lycaon: no, not at all
zlate: That is a lucky lollipop!
Veronika: i have a box of them here :-))
bluehand: Drink what you will. It is your show ;-) Is there pineapple juice in it too.
zlate: There must be at least a few drops of vodka in there
roamer: Sorry guys, I think we have to start Snowwhite from the beginning
Veronika: no vodka, but vermuth
zlate: It looks like you are ready for a stronger drink!
bluehand: Can we get a close up of your belly chain?
roamer: Ok, show me your apples first
zlate: So it is a lemonade martini? Great drink. Can I have one with you?
Veronika: it depends ... on where :-)
zlate: I am having a beer with you right now.
roamer: Yes, this looks like an apple!
Lycaon: i'm just having coffee
roamer: But not enough...
zlate: Veronika is brighter than the sun!
bluehand: Does Margaritas on the beach sound good?
zlate: What is your favorite real beach, V?
Lycaon: Veronika on the beach sounds good
roamer: OK, everybody arrived ...Let´s start!
bluehand: The sun behind you makes it look like you are wearing a crown
zlate: OK, now I have my onw lemonade martini. Cheers to the sexiest and coolest girl, Miss Z!
roamer: Nobody there for giving massage?
Veronika: thank you
bluehand: What flavor is your sucker little girl
roamer: What a beautiful eyes
zlate: I can see some vermouth in those bubbles!
Diver: My most Beautiful! Can I take You with me?
zlate: Veronika, I like your hat. Is it a party hat?
bluehand: when at the beach do you where a hat, only
Veronika: this is my beach hat!
zlate: Let's party! Let's play a game!
Veronika: which one?
Veronika: I would like to play one
Lycaon: What's the best beach you've ever been to?
Veronika: so write quickly
Jon: Good evening Veronika not too late i hope
bluehand: What's the game
Veronika: Shut up with the beach, I wanna play a game now
Jon: what sort of game ?
zlate: Who can guess Veronika's favorite beach?
Epididymus: Veronica, I'm logging on for the first time here today. First I want to complement you on your beauty and grace.
roamer: well, go on. You know very well how to, or do you want to play with us?
Veronika: good game :-)
roamer: I mean, with me?
Veronika: so?
roamer: Does not matter, down and dirty if you want
Jon: get some cards out and play strip poker
Veronika: what about the snowhite and 7 dwarfs?
zlate: How about Copacabana in Rio? Have you been there? It's great!
roamer: Hah!
bluehand: Is it guess what is under vron's top?
Veronika: I have a great time here with my ball
Veronika: and now with the 2nd one
roamer: Hmm, what is wrong with my apple?
Veronika: I'm looking for the 1st dwarf!
zlate: Uh oh. I think you are turning that set into my favorite beach. Anywhere with you topless!
Veronika: where is he?
roamer: Lycoan? Shy heh?
Jon: sorry i dont understand this game
bluehand: Dopey?
Lycaon: ???
Veronika: so who's who?
roamer: You are snowwhite
Lycaon: I only remember Dopey
Veronika: I don't think that 7 dwarfs is not bad for me
Jon: i'm sleepy ??
roamer: and I want you to eat my apple
bluehand: I think I ended up being Grumpy. but I wanted to be princ Chraming.
Veronika: guess why it's not bad to have them?!
Veronika: guess!
bluehand: they do chores for you;-)
roamer: Tell up
Jon: pass
Veronika: because 7 guys are better than one
bluehand: you have on each day of the week plus a prince on the side?
roamer: And what about the prince?
Jon: what 7 little ones or one big one
Veronika: because each of the dwarf would be put on one place onto my body
Lycaon: yeah but they're "little" guys
roamer: Nice to hear from you! This really relieves me... You are straight!
bluehand: I think with a woman like you no guy would need a day off
Veronika: and because they're small they'll fit
zlate: Are there beaches in Slovenia?
Jon: whereabouts would those places be ?
Kalev: Hi Veronica ! I'm sorry I'm a little late for the chat..
roamer: I don´t think so! They will drown
roamer: I can measure if you want to see if they fit
bluehand: one of friends said he saw a porn like that once. It sounded pretty sick to me
Veronika: so the first one is ...
Jon: yeah
roamer: MEMEMEM
Lycaon: sneezy
Jon: breasts one on each ?
Kalev: You look wonderful, as you always do !
zlate: Veronika, I will be Happy dwarf with you!
Jon: i'm sorry i dont get this game
bluehand: I thought you were a romantic? 7 sounds like a bit much.
roamer: Show me where you will put doopey then
Veronika: that was mouth
Jon: ok
roamer: Yes, I knew it!
Jon: nose
Kalev: mmmm
Jon: tongue
roamer: throat
bluehand: so who would be first? does the prince get any of the action?
Veronika: yes, throuat is the 2nd
roamer: no time for the prince, sorry
Lycaon: apparently the prince doesn't
frodo: Hey V., I didn't think I was gonna make this one but, when I found out it was you in chat this week I couldn't resist... such is the allure of you. :)
Jon: ok breasts now
Veronika: the prince didn't come yet
frodo: So are you having a beach day?
Veronika: he will discover my 8th place
Jon: the 8th wonder of the world ?
roamer: No, first the apple then the prince
Veronika: prince isn't here yet because I've just woken up
Veronika: and I've got my dwarf on my body
bluehand: You know princes usually have to marry virgins...
roamer: You skip the apple?
zlate: I would be Happy dwarf in your hands!
Veronika: this is the 3rd place
roamer: Ok, you wake up, the witch is dead and now you have sex with the prince
frodo: Hey I thought I just showed up? Guess I'm not a prince after all. :(
frodo: Oh and V. you look absolutely stunning. :)
Kalev: I entered the chat a little late.. I'm not so updated. What are you dinking?
bluehand: dammit I have to go to work. Grumpy doesn't like to share so he wants to go first.
zlate: I would like to go to Istra beach with Snow White!
Jon: boob or nipple
Kalev: Orange Juice and Vodka = Screw driver
Veronika: boob
Lycaon: V on a beach in Maui sounds good
Veronika: dwarfs are not so small
bluehand: I'll see the rest of your body later ;
zlate: Very nice place! Who is that lucky dwarf?
Kalev: lovely
Jon: one dwarf on each boob ?
roamer: So maybe you are right they ´ll fit . Show!
Veronika: so 4th one?
Veronika: do you wanna see?
Jon: pussy ??
zlate: Those are big enough to have a dwarf on each one! Very beautiful!
roamer: Bottom?
Lycaon: Yes!
frodo: well if we're on the guided tour... absolument :>
Veronika: I've made
Jon: made what ?
frodo: Smile. lovely :)
Veronika: a dwarf the same size as my breast is
Kalev: That silver band around your stomach is just so sexy..
roamer: You don´t have a little dwarf there for showing us how he´ll fit?
Kalev: OOO..yeah
zlate: I would like to be dwarf looking into your eyes!
frodo: is an exceptionally well formed dwarf :)
Veronika: so the fooooooooooooourth plaaaaaaace iiiiiis:
roamer: OK, I´m cooooming!!!
roamer: plop
frodo: The fourth place has something to do with a beach ball??? Hmm.
zlate: Looking at your breast, I am not a dwarf anymore, unless there is a dwarf called Stiffy!
Kalev: How's the weather in Czech Republic? It seems sunny?
Jon: the other breast
Veronika: what a surprice ... 2nd breast for the 4th dwarf
zlate: The fourth place is left breast? Excellent!
Jon: i think o can guess the other 3 places now
Veronika: the invisible dwarfs really excite me!
zlate: That is like 1st place, #1 prize, for me!
zlate: I guess fifth place is legs!
frodo: Hmm. What's an invisible dwarf, would those be dwarfs that don't chat so much?
Jon: between the legs
Veronika: not a leg not even the space between them
roamer: I you read the fanpage you know they are for real
Jon: bum cheeks
zlate: Veronika, you are so beeeeaaaaauuuutifuuuullllll!!!!!!!!!
Kalev: Do you have sun in Czech Republic? In Estonia the wheater was quite nice today..
roamer: So where do I have to put my apple?
Veronika: kalev: yes, we have the sun paint on the blue sky
Veronika: I have to drink more to discover the 5th place
zlate: Is it lips?
Lycaon: More vodka?
roamer: more sex
Kalev: Great. You compete with the sunshine
Jon: you must be thirsty then
Kalev: You are wonderful..
zlate: Is fifth place your hands?
Veronika: guess now
frodo: Nah, ronnie's much brighter than the sun. Also you can stare at her for hours and you don't go blind. :)
Veronika: come on
Jon: bottom
Lycaon: your bum
zlate: I guess the fifth place is your hands!
Lycaon: as the english would say
Kalev: Do you like vodka? Not all pretty girls like that ?
Veronika: yeah jon wins
roamer: come on! I have to sleep in half an hour
Jon: whats my prize veronika ?
zlate: Let's see the fifth place!
Veronika: jon: a kisss
roamer: Never mind, you are beautiful anyway
frodo: Hmm... I missed the part where you seduced the poor unsuspecting dwarf with that smile. :)
Jon: do i have to come to prague for it
Veronika: jon: sure
Jon: next time i'm there then
zlate: Sixth place guess now ... hmm thighs!
roamer: Hey! I will whisper you the 7th place and I will be there right away!
roamer: In Prague I mean
Veronika: now
roamer: and there too if you let me
Veronika: so?
tallblondeguy: nice view, ronni :-)))
Jon: so i'd like to be a dwarf now
tallblondeguy: nicer view...
zlate: I think all of these dwarfs are so Lucky! This Snow White is the fairest of them all!
roamer: prince charming arrived! just on time
tallblondeguy: nicest view,,,
frodo: So. I like all of your places.
Veronika: so what's the 6th place?
Lycaon: legs
frodo: Hey tall: Couldn't resist a little Ronnie on chat either huh?
zlate: Quick, V, go get another drink to discover the last few places!
zlate: I want sixth place to be legs
frodo: What are you holding?
tallblondeguy: exceptional view... :-)
roamer: that little hole for excrements? I WON
Veronika: i'll show you again
Jon: give us a clue
Lycaon: roamer you are sick
Jon: yeah chill out roamer
Lycaon: mouth
tallblondeguy: what goes there???
roamer: just joking, sorry
Jon: no worries mate
zlate: V, please show us sixth place again, I did not see it
Jon: the tongue
tallblondeguy: really nice frozen picture of you taking your gum out of your mouth...
Veronika: and roamer may kiss my 'sixth place'
Kalev: It's in the middle of the summer and your're holding a chat for your fans..When do you go on holiday, which I really think you deserve.
Lycaon: NICE ONE V!
roamer: WOOWWW! What time in Prague?
zlate: Belly is sixth place?
roamer: ASSHOLE !
frodo: Funny. :)
tallblondeguy: i guess i'll have to read the archive to se what "places" you're taking about...
Jon: roamer there you go again
roamer: oops
Veronika: ;-)
Jon: Veronika, do you mind us being a litle bit rude we are men after all ??
Kalev: What are you gonna do on your holiday?
roamer: beautiful weather
frodo: Ronnie I agree with Kalev their you work awfully hard (and we love it) but don't forget to take a break.
Kalev: I work in Sweden, but I,m gonna go back home to Estonia on holiday..
tallblondeguy: i think you;re more than me...
Kalev: You are faboulus..
tallblondeguy: i think you're more tan thatn me, i meant to say...
tallblondeguy: are you totally shaved?
Jon: the 6th place is very nice
roamer: why? Those hairs where so sexy
zlate: Between legs is sixth place?
Lycaon: after Ronnie I won't need any fireworks tonight
zlate: This is a great game, Veronika!
frodo: V. that chain is absolutely great really sets off your waist incredibly.
tallblondeguy: you lok gorgeous with spread legs...
tallblondeguy: nice little fur tuft you have there
Jon: if that is 6 what can 7 be ??
zlate: Great close up!!!!
Veronika: what's the 7th??
Jon: i'd like to know
tallblondeguy: is that the 7th???
Lycaon: i think were looking at 7th
roamer: maybe with a periscope
zlate: We are going down, so maybe 7th is legs!
tallblondeguy: do you like to be massaged there?
Veronika: right
Veronika: ;-)
roamer: do it lovely
tallblondeguy: how about if a man uses it as his dessert?
zlate: I will be Happy dwarf at your legs, then. Cheers, V!
frodo: Wow I should really learn not to miss even one second of these things. :)
Jon: are you sure there arent more than 7 dwarfs ?
Kalev: I don't know what the 7h is? It's probably great..
Veronika: who would guess the place for prince, HE would be the prince for this evening
tallblondeguy: you look absolutely astonishing on your back
Jon: its going to be rude ??
tallblondeguy: i came in too late to know what you're talking about
roamer: nice breeze too!
zlate: Great chat, Veronika. It was a very fun game. You are the best! Kisses to you!
tallblondeguy: someone else will have to be the prince
tallblondeguy: (tho i'd certainly like to be...)
frodo: Who would be prince for this evening?
roamer: a handpuppet
Kalev: I know it's late in the Czech Republic..but could you please try to stay awake...
Lycaon: there u go again roamer
frodo: Dude, you really should learn some things.
tallblondeguy: oh, wait -- you're talking snow white and the 7 places... %-}
zlate: Next time you can be Cinderella and we can guess your shoe size :)
Veronika: right ... and now guess the 8th place for the prince
Jon: the clitoris
tallblondeguy: you look great with your eyes closed
roamer: somebody has to push those dwarfs
Lycaon: your heart
tallblondeguy: yeah -- i'd say pussy...
frodo: Ronnie I think the 8th place is when the prince takes you shopping. :)
Kalev: Just now I can't stand to wait another week to see you..
zlate: The prince would get your heart!
tallblondeguy: or, did we use the lips already???
roamer: no, that is the hunter
Veronika: Lycaon is the BEST PRINCE OF ALL THE TIME
frodo: It's gotta be heart
roamer: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lycaon: I WIN!
Kalev: Are you drinking vodka and juice or just juice?
Kalev: oh..great
tallblondeguy: i hope it's hot there because it is over 100 degrees F here...
frodo: But Ronnie, you are like all heart does that mean the prince gets all of you? :)
Veronika: so, lycaon won
Kalev: You´re great 11
Jon: well done Lycaon
tallblondeguy: hail, lycaon!!!
Veronika: our competition is over ...
roamer: will you marry and have kids?
Veronika: (btw: · lycaon: i'm sorry you're not here on the beach with me)
Kalev: Please stay awhile..
tallblondeguy: he's not only gets to meet ronni in person, he's won her heart...
Kalev: 5 minutes
frodo: Good job lycaon....
Lycaon: that's ok, I got to meet you at glamourcon, made my year
roamer: he is religious, you know?
tallblondeguy: beautiful shot
Veronika: so thank you for the chat, all of you, include roamer
Veronika: ;-)
zlate: After today's chat we will all live happily ever after!
tallblondeguy: you are absolutely exquisite
Jon: thanks to you
frodo: Ronnie, I love that profile
tallblondeguy: have a great night, bye
Lycaon: go play with madam thumb and the 4 sisters roamer
Veronika: bye bye
roamer: thnks for nothing
Veronika: :-xxx
Lycaon: bye ronnie
frodo: Have a great night V. You are incredible.
Kalev: Good night, Veronica !
zlate: bye Veronika
tallblondeguy: now off to see the fireworks...
Jon: bye
frodo: Yeah, off to see the fireworks but the best show of the evening is over. Night again V.
roamer: hmmm, 4 sisters? nothing is lost then
roamer: Veronika! Don´t forget your apple!
zlate: Did somebody forget to turn off the chat?
roamer: No, I am still here. Crying softly. Because Snowwhite will never love me the way I am. But I keep on dreaming! One day she will fill her site with the most delicious hardcore! And I will kiss her and kiss her day and night. Because this is what real fans
roamer: all the time....zzzzzzzzzzzz ...1 dwarf ...zzzzzz ...2...zzz.3........ hey, was this lycaon? zzz...4... sweet kisses
roamer: what an exquitite sunshine
roamer: Pssst, Veronika! They are all gone! Let´s have some fun ....
zlate: roamer, you must accept V the way she is. That is part of her beauty - she is different!
zlate: I should say unique, not different.
Czechbeauty July 4, 2002 Live Chat Veronika Zemanova Vidcaps