If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Added 8 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
Actiongirls is opening their archives to release some never before seen video footage and are remastering all the old sets. Follow the blog for updates on which Sets / videos are being released.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
This month marks the 25th anniversary of Veronika's first appearances on a magazine cover. You can read about it on the Oct 1st blog post.
The responsive redesign of the website is proceeding nicely with all sets and magazine pages completed. A special thanks to Javier and vzjp for creating some fantastic banners on the Set pages. They are making great progress on completing banners for all the Sets.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Am 1 month into the website conversion to the responsive design. So far have completed over 50% of the Sets and all the set selection pages. Looking to get all the website converted over the course of the next 1-2 months.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Just to give everyone a progress report on the responsive website update .... this month several sections will be released in the new responsive design format. Thanks to Yoadster for providing the base responsive code, we have made significant progress in converting some the major elements over to the new format. Here's a little sneak peak of the updated and improved layout:
For each Set page I eventually plan to have a custom banner featuring images from that specific set, but for now will just be using the new new website banner as default. If anyone wants to volunteer to create some of the the Set banners please contact me for details. Any help in creating those would be much appreciated and I'll even offer a reward to anyone who helps of some never before seen images of Veronika from my private collection ;-)
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Some interesting activities are happening behind the scenes on the website .... we are testing out a new responsive design. The hopes is that this will make browsing the index pages easier for those accessing the site via a phone ... and hopefully increase our Google search ranking as we currently get dinged for not being smartphone friendly. Can't say the same for Bing which ranks the site significanly higher in their search rankings for Veronika Zemanova than Google. For a change Microsoft has got things right!!! Stay tuned as we roll out pages / sections in the coming months.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Added 1 magazine to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
A long time fan of Veronika's has recently resurfaced and joined the forum. He was a prolific creator of custom Veronika wallpapers. He says that his goal is to create a wallpaper for each of Veronika's sets. That would certainly be quite a feat and to be honest can't to see the final outcomes. You can follow Yoadster progress on his wallpaper page.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Added 10 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
Another year has come and gone and this month marks Veronika's 47th Birthday. Hard to believe how quickly time flies.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Here's wishing Veronika a safe and Happy 47th Birthday from all her ever endearing fans and especially the staff here at the website !!!!
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Added 4 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
This month we launched a Veronika Fans Discord server. Join the forum for more details.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin
Here's wishing Veronika, her family and all her fans a wonderful and prosperous 2022 !!!!
I always use this New Year post to reflect on the past year in terms of which updates have occurred to the index in 2021. Here are some of the statistics:
All and all not a bad year in terms of new material which continues to be published or uncovered of our Veronika. Here's hoping that 2022 will yield as many new "goodies" for us fans.
As for plans for the website in 2022 ... as you can imagine this is a labour of love which never ends and will always have updates to be added.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"www.VERONIKA.ZEMANOVA.info" Admin