This past month really opened our eyes to the power of AI art. There are several online AI art communities that let you generate models based on uploaded images in lieu of having to purchase a very expensive 4090 GPU and generate the models on you own computer. Almost all the previously generated Veronika models were created by folks who perhaps did not realize that Veronika had 3 distinct appearances in her modeling career ... her original natural state, then after her first set of implants and finally after her second implants. This month we decided to create 2 separate models for the 2nd and 3rd appearance and low and behold the results are fantastic and you can truly see the difference in the final AI created image which vintage of Veronika model was used.
The 2 generated models are available for use on the TensorArt wesbite.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Here's wishing Veronika, her family and all her fans a very Merry Christmas !!!!
Veronika has given all her fans a present this year ;-)
It doesn't seem like a day goes by that we don't see a new set of AI powered tools come along. This time the ability to generate a short 5-6 sec video clip from an image. All you need is to provide the image and describe what you want to see happen via a text prompt and the rest is magic. There are a couple of website out there today that offer this capability and When you first register on the Hailuoai website they provide you 3 days of unlimited video creation which lets you try things out. Of course we had a chance to test it out recently on some Veronika images. Although not perfect, the websites did a remarkable job at bringing her to life from a static image. We found that if you kept the prompts simple in terms of requested motion, it yielded the best results. Requesting too much motion tended to distort the face significantly to the point where it did not resemble Veronika anymore. Here's an example generated from pic #1 from Set 292:
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
This past month we saw the release of a super realistic AI Flux LORA model on both CivitAI and TensorArt. This model has finally captured the true essence of what makes Veronika "Veronika". TensorArt does provide the ability to generate approx 20-25 images / day for free for registered users. Everyone should give it a try and see for yourself how easy it is to create an original AI image of Veronika :-)
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 2 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 8 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
This past month with the help of BTA, we broke through the 1500 barrier in terms of total magazines found in which Veronika made an appearance. A crazy count and just proves how universally popular Veronika was in her modeling prime. We will be posting some of the recent additions this month in that honour.
I would suggest that folks review what magazines they might have and see if we missed some along the way. Need to get to 1600 of course ;-)
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 33 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
This month we celebrate Veronika's 49th birthday!!!! Come back on the 14th to see the special Birthday card in her honour.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 5 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
Here's wishing Veronika a safe and Happy 49th Birthday from all her ever endearing fans and especially the staff here at the website !!!!
Thanks to the generous donations of the forum members, the website is now paid through to the end of Nov 2027!!! Great to see that Veronika is still as popular now than she was in her modeling prime :-)
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 2 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin
Added 11 magazines to the "Magazine Appearances" section ... here are the details:
Here's wishing Veronika, her family and all her fans a wonderful and prosperous 2024 !!!!
I always use this New Year post to reflect on the past year in terms of which updates have occurred to the index in 2023. Here are some of the statistics:
All and all not a bad year in terms of new material which continues to be published or uncovered of our Veronika, considering that it has been 15 years since Veronika "officially" retired. Although we came close to not having her appear in a magazine for the first time. Here's hoping that 2024 will yield as many new "goodies" for us fans.
If you have any suggestions or think there is content which is missing from the index, please drop me an email .
Always want to hear from fellow Veronika fans!!!!
"" Admin